Your Soul Offer 

 Say 'YES' to all your gifts and package your genius into a PAID offer

In this masterclass, you will benefit from my 13 yrs of experience expertly guiding professionals just like you to package your abundant gifts

 Learn 3 steps:

  • How to identify your zone of genius and gifts

  • How to have the confidence to share with the world

  • How to package your your gifts 

Gain Access to Free Masterclass 

This is for you:

  • If you are a purpose-driven professional, conscious executive & corporate creative

  •  If you are ready to say 'YES' to all your gifts and package them into a PAID offer

  •  If you are considering career transition and aiming to pivot with purpose, turn passion into profit and corporate into entrepreneurship

  • If you are realigning and dreaming of leadership in harmony where the world is earth-led, the business is service-led and the career is soul-led.

Meet Your Soul Gift Guide

Success Mentor Uri

Say "YES" to what's calling you next!

Uri helps corporate professionals bring alive their soul gifts, package their career skillset, and craft their genius into paid offers.

Uri's Story: Discovering her soul gifts through global adventures across four nations - Mongolia, India, the USA, and Canada, Uri has reinvented her life and career four times over. Each journey has been a testament to the grit, resilience and adversity she embraced while navigating diverse cultures. These experiences have allowed her to unearth treasures from life's traumas, and uncover gifts from career transitions, leading to profound personal and professional reinventions. Rooted in her rich earthly and ancestral heritage, Uri embodies divine love, deep soul remembrance, and the creatrix force that she inspires in others. Her diverse background is complemented by an MBA, MPA, TEDx Talks, and Forbes 30 Under 30 recognition, marking her as a beacon of healing, creativity, and success. Deeply connected to earth wisdom, Uri stands as a soul gift activator and soul business guide for those on the path of transformation and creation. When not mentoring her clients, Uri dedicates herself to creating cherished memories with her family, raising her two children alongside their grandparents, and cherishing moments with her soulmate husband amidst the Canadian Rockies or Hawaiian beaches. Since 2011, she has been guiding professionals to their infinite potential as an executive meditation coach, specializing in career and life transitions.