"Transform your professional expertise into a purposeful business with  '30 Day Soul Offer - Private Intensive"

Ready to Craft Your Soul Offer 🎁 in 30 days?

 This is for you:

  • If you are a purpose-driven professional, conscious executive & corporate creative

  • If you are ready to say 'YES' to all your gifts and package them into a PAID offer

  •  If you are considering career transition and aiming to pivot with purpose, turn passion into profit and corporate into entrepreneurship

You are ready for a private intensive with a co-creative intuitive executive coach and high-value soul biz guide



Imagine, as you stand at this crossroads, 

Finding yourself at any the following pivotal moments:

  • A corporate executive, whose skills have propelled you up the ladder, now yearning to infuse your work with more passion and personal fulfillment.

  • A budding entrepreneur, ready to transform your vision into a tangible, soul-led business.

It is an invitation for you to say "YES" to transforming your professional journey, and aligning closer with your heart's true calling & soul gifts. This is the essence of "30-Day Soul Offer."


Imagine standing at a crossroads,

  • Your corporate success on one path, your heart's true calling on another. Your soul whispers of gifts unshared, a purpose not yet fulfilled, a life of passion and abundance waiting to be claimed. This is where your journey with "30-Day Soul Offer." begins.

  • In your eyes, I see the vision of a leader poised on the brink of transformation, realigning and dreaming of leadership in harmony where the world is earth-led, the business is service-led and the career is soul-led. 

  • You, a beacon of potential, are ready to step into a world where your career is not just a title, but an extension of your deepest self.

  • With every beat of your heart, there's a desire to serve, to uplift, to make a difference beyond the boardroom. And in your mind, the gears are turning, contemplating the leap from a secure job to the soul-stirring thrill of entrepreneurship.

In your 30-days soul offer private intensive, together, we will:

Create the name, tagline, price, content and delivery of your first paid offer together through the following journey.


  • Uncover your unique blueprint to your soul map with a 4-page soul design report so that you can identify your unique soul gifts/ shadows/ leadership purpose and activate your soul gift 


  • Unlock your pathway to monetizing your soul gift with a 4-step guided process so that you can transform your intuition to validation, inspiration to creation, information to integration, and ideation to execution. 


  • Unpack your soul truth beyond inner blocks, limiting beliefs, stubborn patterns, outdated stories, unseen blindspots and unaware puzzle pieces with deep-dive 1-on-1 90-min sessions so that you can feel absolutely confident in launching your first paid offer and sharing your soul gifts with the world.


  • Unleash your creative flow beyond thinking and planning with continuous support so that you can move forward steadfast with laser focus clarity, productivity and accountability ensuring your paid offer is ready to sell by the end of 30 days.

Rapid transformation success story is possible:


From the testimonials of those like Nomi gaining


 The unshakeable confidence and clarity needed to transition from corporate to entrepreneurship full time. That empowered her build her team and raise funds for her tech startup.


From the testimonials of those like Hedi, overcoming her self-doubt  in her new career and business


By uncovering her soul gifts and redefining success story from her financial advisor experiences, she found her zone of genius, blending her career skills with her passion, leading to joy and success in real estate.

Client success stories

With Personalized Practical & Intuitive Approach: 


Your soul's calling doesn't have to be a whisper in the wind.

Make it your life's work, your daily joy, your legacy.


Say 'YES' to
"30 Day Soul Offer"

and let's turn your  genius into a paid offer.


  • My unique soul gift: I can tune into you and help you identify what your genius is and package that into a paid offer

  • Practical Outcomes: Tangible results – from gaining clarity on soul gifts to creating a paid offer

  • Internal Work: Vortex vault of tools for internal transformation, and self-belief so that you feel confident in your gifts & offers

What's included in the program

Craft Your Soul Offer in 30-days 

This is a program intensive tailored for conscious corporate professionals looking to pivot into entrepreneurship.

It includes:

4-page soul design report to uncover your unique blueprint to your soul map & gifts

4-step guided process with course modules to uncover your zone of genius,  and soul gifts

4 deep-dive 90-min personalized sessions to unpack your soul truth & co-create your offer

4-week continuous support to keep your momentum & creative flow and execute with laser focus


Gain a clear understanding of your unique soul gifts and how they align with your professional skills.


Co-create and execute clear strategy together to package your gifts into a paid offer.


Build the confidence to share your soul gifts and promote your paid offer.

Imagine a Life Where Your Soul Comes Alive & Feels Whole

In this program, you will benefit from my 13 yrs of experience expertly guiding professionals just like you to package and promote their abundant gifts.

What you'll get in your 30 days private intensive:


  • 4 pages soul design report to:

    • Uncover your unique blueprint to your soul map so that you can identify your unique soul gifts/ shadows/ leadership purpose and activate your soul gift  (Value $500)     



  • 4 steps guided process & course modules via membership to:

    • Uncover your  genius  and package your soul gift so that you can turn your intuition to validation,  inspiration to creation, information to integration, and ideation to execution in 30 days (Value $1000)



  • 4 deep-dive 1-on-1 90-min sessions via Zoom to: 

    • Unpack your soul truth beyond inner blocks, limiting beliefs, stubborn patterns, outdated stories, unseen blindspots and unaware puzzle pieces so that you can feel absolutely confident in launching your first paid and sharing your soul gifts with the world

      (Value $3108)     



  • 4 weeks ongoing support via Voxer to:

    • Unleash your creative flow beyond thinking and planning so that you can move forward steadfast with laser focus clarity, productivity and accountability ensuring your paid offer is designed and ready to sell by the end of 30 days.

      .  (Value $2220)


🎁  Bonus: 


  • 30-min consultation session to understand your soul design report (Value $200)

  • 30-day access to VORTEX vault of self & soul leadership trainings,  entrepreneur mindset coaching and confidence building and energy management tools. (Value $444/m)


Total Value: $7472


Limited Time Offer: $3000 (60% savings")

Imagine rapid transformation in 4 weeks with 4 steps:


Step 1:

I will help you move from having an idea or intuition to clearly identifying your soul gifts. That looks like deeper understanding of your unique soul design and validating your purpose via mind-body-soul journey.  


Step 2:

I will help you map out your zone of genius. That looks like reviewing your success journey, professional passion, transferrable skillset & personal life wisdoms. 


Step 3:

I will help you figure out a model and process of your client journey. That looks like crafting your signature story, and creating a signature system for your paid offer.


Step 4:

I will help you package your soul gift into a paid offer. That looks creating a message for who it is for, what title, tagline and what price to offer it at.


At the end of 30 days, you will have your first paid offer designed and ready to sell.


Meet Your Soul Gift Guide

Success Mentor Uri

Say "YES" to what's calling you next!

Uri helps corporate professionals bring alive their soul gifts, package their career skillset, and craft their genius into paid offers.


Uri's Story: Discovering her soul gifts through global adventures across four nations - Mongolia, India, the USA, and Canada, Uri has reinvented her life and career four times over. Each journey has been a testament to the grit, resilience and adversity she embraced while navigating diverse cultures. These experiences have allowed her to unearth treasures from life's traumas, and uncover gifts from career transitions, leading to profound personal and professional reinventions. Rooted in her rich earthly and ancestral heritage, Uri embodies divine love, deep soul remembrance, and the creatrix force that she inspires in others. Her diverse background is complemented by an MBA, MPA, TEDx Talks, and Forbes 30 Under 30 recognition, marking her as a beacon of healing, creativity, and success. Deeply connected to earth wisdom, Uri stands as a soul gift activator and soul business guide for those on the path of transformation and creation. When not mentoring her clients, Uri dedicates herself to creating cherished memories with her family, raising her two children alongside their grandparents, and cherishing moments with her soulmate husband amidst the Canadian Rockies or Hawaiian beaches. Since 2011, she has been guiding professionals to their infinite potential as an executive meditation coach, specializing in career and life transitions.