Entrepreneurs, Trailblazers & Visionaries: Invitation for 120-min transformation experience!

Did you know "Law of Attraction & Manifestation" alone won't breakthrough your SUCCESS PLATEAU & get you QUANTUM LEAP until you heal your past to truly fly forward?

Have you tried so many ways to heal & leap, perhaps via traditional therapy, growth strategy and trials & errors with many blah blah blah... but you had a very little success and no where close to quantum leap success?

Haven't found your blindspots, and the root causes of your triggers and blockers of your soul purpose, success, happiness and bliss?


Do you remember the purity of play and joy of innocent child, perhaps your self age 5-7 year old...

Do you miss the freedom to just be , simply be ... free from the need for validation, the pressure to perform and the guilt to please...

Do you feel the heaviness with sadness of seriousness under the face of fierceness of being playing grown up?

Me too!

Welcome to The Joy of Quantum Play with Sprinkle of Fierce Mama Love and Dash of Dynamic Feminine Grace!



Would you like to learn












Would You To Unlock Your Infinite Possibilities?

And Access Your Wealthy Worthy Wholesome Frequency?

Would you like to experience how to unlock your energetic creative flow, banish abundance blocks, bend reality, and collapse success timelines with Quantum Leap Success pathway?

Pause, Please Breathe!

Thank you for meeting me at the right time in a right space, willing to heal and leap your soul journey so that together we rise and raise the vibration collectively.

Now, take a moment to breathe, tune into your heart and ask your body if my energy frequency resonates with you so far 😌 Not sure .. keep reading... all the way down till the good stuff, y'a know - the social proof & stories. Then come back & ask your body again 😉

If you answered YES more than once in my questions...

If you feel the HECK, YES! in your soul ...

If you feel the pull in your belly and pulse in your heart ...

Let's play! 

Please pre-sign up now for early access to my recent 3-part experiential masterclass series.

It's the first step to ignite our journey together. The most accessible and affordable pathway to explore the synergies and the possibilities of our field of play in the near future.

Upon signing, you will get immediate access to total 120 min potent experience below:


Part 1: “Quantum Leap” experiential masterclass

Experience how to collapse timelines of your soul aligned success

Part 2:  Client Interview on quantum leap journey

Experience how to quantum shift your vibration, quantum heal your inner blocks and quantum leap into infinite possibilities

Part 3: Guided Shamanic Meditation Journey

Experience how you can access your higher self, meet future self and Activate Your Future Timeline

Chronicles of Quantum Leap life altering stories with Uri

I recently experienced an extraordinary shamanic transformation journey with Uri.

I have been in the transformation space for 14 years and I can categorically say that
this was one of the most impactful experiences I have had.

Journey to the 5th dimension...Black Holes, Dorothy from the Wizard and Oz and Mermaids
I was shown the difference between the 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensions.

Uri’s facilitation was gentle yet powerful, taking me through a process that gave me
clarity on answers I have been waiting for in the void for the last 18 months
and will define the work I will now be doing in the world.

The most transformational aspect of this was that the space she held
enabled me to tap into my own multidimensional wisdom,
rather than been told it by her, the facilitator.

I know now my purpose for this next phase of life.

Thank you Uri

Jennie Harland-Khan,
Personal Leadership Mentor

Amy Jones

From the moment I met Uri, I could tell she was a powerful healer. I had a deep knowing that our session would be transformational.

She held me with tender patience and listened acutely, knowing exactly what I needed to allow my heart to safely open and deeply heal.

I recommend any women (especially those like me wth a strong mindset) to experience the safely and love of Uri’s incredible healing. She has a way with words and she is a transformation artist.

Thank you Uri,

P.S. As a human design reflector, I reflect back the wellness of the spaces that I experience. Uri, your energy carries an angelic, serene, safety I have felt from very few.

 - Amy, Soul Business Coach, Canada

Susan LeClair

 Uri’s open and honest demeanor allowed me to be instantly at ease and also open. She guided me to see the core of my issues and concerns with gentle skill and caring.  

I have had many akashic journeys and she was most helpful and impactful as she guided me with the questions that would reveal the issues I either hadn’t seen or in a fuller light than I had seen in past sessions with others. 

Recommending Uri is an honor.

I felt empowered to embrace my truth and have the courage to move forward and be the creator being that I came here to earth to be.  


In Gratitude, 

- Susan, Reiki Teacher, Healer, Therapist,


Ruth Bleakly-Thiessen

Within 6-weeks, I had incredible powerful shifts in my life as if my soul has evolved in quantum leaps.

I feel connected with my soul purpose, soul clients and relieved from a major karmic pattern/ block which felt like a big mountain holding me back. 

I feel so much bigger, empowered and ready to take clear energetically aligned actions in my branding, presentation, core message and offer.

I was able to feel into the quality of my niche. Downloaded so much clarity of my message, program offer name, who it is for and how it needs to done.

Thank you!

- Ruth, Holistic Transformation Coach, Author & Founder of the Intuitive Feminine Leadership Academy


Chronicles of Quantum Leap life altering stories with Uri

I have been working with her as my meditation coach, soul guide and spiritual mentor for the last 2 years. I have come a long way in terms of quantum leap.

  • In my career, I quit my 9-5 job, took the leap into my start-up company and raised $ to build my business.
  • In my life, I am simply present in my life and can truly feel the joy of life every moment.
  • My family has gained a better wife, better daughter and better mom.

For that, I am eternally grateful for the work Uri guided me through.

As we continue on our quantum leap journey, recently Uri has taken me through the akashic shamanic journey and needless to say it's been interesting. I have been feeling something on my throat, like a hard lump. The type of lump you feel when you are really emotionally hit by something. We found out that we had a blockage in this specific chakra. So we meditated to find out why the blockage was there....turns out it's because I haven't been speaking my truth...

The journey took me to a beautiful forest, I saw all of my kids being very content, beautiful and truly happy. However, one of my kids seemed sad and lonely, looking down and had both of her hands on her ears like she was struggling. Then I saw my grandmother who left her home when she was very young and the utter loneliness she felt with no one to see her and no one to hear her. Then I saw my mother who also took on the same loneliness and the feeling of being unheard and unseen. Then I saw myself feeling the same and ultimately my daughter is also affected by this same wound of being unseen and unheard. I was able to connect the dots by looking into the past and to the present.

With this session and reflection, I made a promise to always tell my daughter that I see her and I hear her......

This journey also helped me understand that I have truths to share. Everything I learn through meditation, I usually keep it quiet on the inside and I don't share it. I don't share because I am worried of what others may think of my journey, but now I understand that I may actually help others by sharing my experience.

Through the akashic shamanic journey with Uri, I am able to connect with my ancestors and heal their wounds, as well as my wounds and my daughters' wounds...

Thank you!

Nomi Smith, CEO & Founder, Tech Company, USA

Titina Van Hoorn Zuberbuhler

 Accessing the Akashic records can feel like such a mysterious concept. With Uri, it took the form of part meditation, journey and conversation that flowed so easily that I did not have any time to be in my head and wonder what was going on.

Beginning with the centering and grounding meditation at the beginning, Uri led me to the center of my soul - it is the only way I can describe it. A place even more familiar than home. It was from this safe base that I was able to easily go on two journeys.

Even as a Shamanic practitioner, I can dismiss the images I see and thoughts that come up (often a lot harder to see within myself than to track for other people). With Uri’s graceful guidance, I easily “saw” people and circumstances from another time that brought some essential awareness and healing to some core issues that I have held in the subconscious all my life.

She guided me, by my choice, on two journeys and through her deeply intuitive and gentle questions, I had a transformative awareness of a long-held shadow part of me that I have distracted myself from touching numerous times. She knew when to lovingly push me forward and when to remain with what was coming up, allowing space for something deeper to come through.

I know, on a visceral level, that a very important and pivotal dislodging of an old wound happened during the session that will have a ripple effect on my life. In bringing it to light, it changes the way I live my life on a very fundamental level.

Uri’s integrity as a practitioner is such that she makes sure to reflect back verbally all of the pieces that have significance after the journey. Once finished, I had clear and valuable pieces to integrate into my life. Uri is a true New Paradigm Shamanic Coach who weaves her experience, her ancestral skills, mythic storytelling and intuition into weaving alchemy and deep transformation into your life.

- Titina, Shaman, Medicine Wheel Practitioner & Trainer, USA

Lucy Lynch

My akashic quantum healing journey with Uri was deeply profound experience for spirit, heart and soul.

I have had many beautiful sessions before. What really sets Uri apart is that at the end of the journey she was able to bring all of the imagery and journeys into this reality with very practical ideas to act on.

One recent journey, I was feeling a little tired and ungrounded before the session due to Traveling. I was open and curious. Did not have grand expectations, just knew it would be special.

I feel like the main subconscious and unconscious block we were able to find and clear was SPEAKING MY TRUTH at soul level.

Speaking up, speaking out and just sharing from the heart. No more compromise in that. Get help and support when it is needed. No longer fight the fight of a rebel, creating resistance along the way.

Thank you for coaching and integration to help me understand what I need to learn from this mystical spiritual experience into practical implementable action steps that can change my everyday life patterns and habits.

Thank you so much for your healing, guiding and coaching. I felt greatly energized after the session and had a very productive day after the jour.ey

Uri is a shaman, healer, mentor, coach and soul doula. She is all around wonderful human. If you have the chance to receive from her do it. She has a very generous heart and the capability to hold space for anything that shows up during the session.

- Lucie, Voice Shaman, Energy Healer, Hawai


Saras Naidoo

Had a lovely quantum leap experience with Uri. She took me on a Shamanic journeys to the Akashic Records.

A limiting belief showed up – I always liked working in the background. I would work hard and get my work done but didn’t like to be in the limelight. I was happy just being this way. Now I’m finding that in order to do my work and run my business, I have to be more visible.

Uri took me deeper to where this limiting belief originated at the soul level.

On one journey, I found myself in 500BC in Ancient India. I was the youngest of the women in this household. I had to listen to the elders. My words didn’t count. Because of this I just did my work and didn’t say anything. Uri helped me confront this younger version of me, be gentle with her and hug her. I explained this limiting belief to her and said that I am now here to cut that cord. We did and I thanked her and Uri led me back to my soul home.

She then led me on another journey to my business in my future.

I saw myself on a stage 🎤. I wore a full flowing white gown with long flowing sleeves. I was in my zone. I owned the stage! I could feel that energy. I was so excited to talk about my published book and my business! I knew I was doing exactly what I came here to do! Thank you Uri!

- Saras, Reiki Energy Healer & Cancer Coach, Canada

Chronicles of Quantum Leap life altering stories with Uri

One recent akashic shamanic journey with Uri has revealed a pattern of behaviors I’d been stuck in, without awareness of them, for five incarnations. In each incarnation I’d played a variety of roles, both male and female, struggling with the responsibilities and challenges of child-rearing. The insights revealed from those old patterns, shone brightly on challenges of this lifetime, of marital and parenting patterns that I’d never had clarity or even awareness of previously. I’m now able to begin work on healing and resolving these injuries and regrets because I’m now intimately aware of them. It’s impossible to heal or resolve a problem that you’re not aware exists.

Uri is a brilliant, insightful and intuitive facilitator. A courageous and committed ally who will not let one’s conscious mind (which is so clever at hiding things it would rather not reveal) deflect or discourage from the truths required to reveal these insights and the pathways to healing them.

I could not wish for a better ally to assist and guide me to places previously held as too toxic or frightening to confront. She always helps to remove the blinders I’ve so skillfully erected
so that my inner kids don’t have to look at them, again and again, because they feel the wounds and injustices were of their own doing. I am forever grateful for her skills, her friendship and her guidance, that allows me to become a better and more conscious therapist and facilitator myself.

Thank you Uri

Alan Berman,
Advanced CranioSacral Therapy™ and Hypnotherapist, USA

Part 1: “Quantum Leap” experiential masterclass

Experience how to collapse timelines of your soul aligned success

Part 2:  Client Interview on quantum leap journey

Experience how to quantum shift your vibration, quantum heal your inner blocks and quantum leap into infinite possibilities

Part 3: Guided Shamanic Meditation Journey

Experience how you can access your higher self, meet future self and Activate Your Future Timeline

Get early access deal for this 120-min experience