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After years of struggling to find alignment, balance, and creative talent in my high achieving career and life moves, I decided to face my addiction for perfection and validation. I decided to surrender my ego, control and resistance to my inner growth alchemy. I alchemized my perfectionism into presence, my need for power to peace, my failures into a successful roadmap of inner growth journey, my depression into reflections, and my pain into purpose. Now I use the same powerful techniques to help others find inner peace and embrace their inner growth alchemy.

About me

Hi, I’m Uri! Life Purpose Coach and Meditation Trainer.

Certified Meditation Coach, serial global nomadic entrepreneur, meditation diva podcast host, TEDx speaker, international best-selling author, business coach, and master manifestor.

I'm thrilled you're here.

I can’t wait to help you achieve an aligned, balanced, creative, and diva life.

I specialize in helping align and balance creative genius in high achievers around the world at the subconscious level.

I'm a human behavioural specialist, soul alignment coach, serial entrepreneur, ex-career coach, headhunter, realtor, project manager and an Alchemist.

My life's mission and purpose is to raise human consciousness on a global scale by supporting high-achievers, leaders, parents and entrepreneurs in creating a life of abundance and impact.

Let me tell you a bit more about me...


My Methods

Find inner peace and live a more balanced life.

My method for living a more peaceful life is simple and easy to follow. It combines everything you need to align the body and the mind for total balance.

Group Guided Meditation, Energy Healing, Manifestation Challenges, Workshops, Heart2Heart community

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1:1 Laser Coaching for Clarity, Confidence, and Creativity for your insight downloads and intuitive guide.

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Meditation Training and Life Coaching Intensive programs. Beginner: Inner Discovery. Advanced: Inner Mastery.        VIP: Inner MBA

Discovery & Strategy Call

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Watch me share my passion in my previous life 2013, with my maiden name Uuriintuya Byambatsogt. I was a headhunter and career management coach, the founder of Global Career Management Consulting. I used to help my clients find their professional passion and achieve personal excellence.