The Ultimate Guide To Meditation Coaching

Everything you need to know about working with a meditation coach and starting a thriving life, career, and relationship reimagned.

Muni and the Tree Spirit may not be real, but their story gives us many real-life takeaways about meditation and how to surmount odds through it.

  • Everyone has stressors.
  •  Meditation helps. Regular meditation helps better.
  •  It reduces, regulates, eliminates stress, not stressors.
  •  Meditation doesn’t solve problems. It empowers you to solve them.
  •  It makes you question and seek answers. It offers clarity.
  •  You can’t walk this path alone all the time. It’s good to have a wise guide – a coach – like the tree spirit.

Does that strike a chord?

Do you feel like you’ve been in Muni’s shoes and done the Tree Spirit’s job too? Does your inner voice keep pushing you to help people using your years of practice and understanding of meditation? But you don’t know where to start and how?

Look no further!

This guidebook will give you a step-by-step on how to start your meditation coaching practice and make it a successful business.

Excited? Let’s dive right in.

What Is
Meditation Coaching?

Stress, insomnia, and the desire for high productivity have left our minds overstimulated and bodies under-stimulated, disturbing an ancient balance that guarded our well-being. The pandemic pushed this imbalance further, and faster, triggering a boom in the launch of meditation apps to relieve anxiety, depression, insomnia, boost productivity, and revive joy. With the rise in its popularity, the first question that begs our attention is…
What is Meditation? 

Yes, its practice involves chanting, being quiet, contemplative, sitting cross-legged or even moving to calm the mind, but what does it mean? What does it do for you?

Yoga International defines meditation as a “precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness”,or awareness of self and others that allows the practitioner to create new, desirable realities. “Meditation is a science, which means that the process follows a particular order, has definite principles, and produces results that can be verified.”

In fact, modern science has been studying and corroborating the ancient benefits of meditation for years now. “From changes in grey matter volume to reduced activity in the “me” centers of the brain to enhanced connectivity between brain regions”, an article in the Forbes magazine lists studies that show how meditation significantly changes our brain for the better, bestows good health, happiness and vitality on its practitioner.

How Does Meditation Make Coaching Better?

Every type of meditative practice is oriented towards self-discovery, exploration, and reconnection to living a more holistic life.

The methods may vary but the end goal involves learning to reprogram the fear-driven brain. To pause after every trigger, observe the situation as it presents itself, gauge the negative emotions, and not react but act with compassion and empathy.

Meditation also makes you a detached observer even when you and your life are the focus.

All this training comes in handy in coaching where the client is in focus, like King Muni, and a coach becomes the tree spirit – in the background, still, observant, listening, absorbing, sharp, only questioning to assist self-exploration.

Such facilitation requires:

These are the seven character traits of a great coach and are also gifts of meditation. These qualities help coaches create a safe space for clients, so they can see their blind spots and overcome the internal and external barriers that keep them from actualizing the life they desire.

As you progress in this guidebook, you will notice that we will keep circling back to holistic problem-solving. This is because meditation coaching requires balancing all areas of life or the mind will never be at rest.

These are:

  •  The physical aspect of the mind and body 

  •  The worldly aspect of our lives

  •  The inner aspect of our lives

  •  The spiritual aspect

  •  Good Health

  •  Professional Growth

  •  Family Well-Being

  •  Highest Potential

This 360-degree approach is the biggest differentiator between a meditation coach and other coaches, who may only tackle one aspect of a client’s life.

Key Differences Of A Meditation Coach

A meditation coach is often confused with a meditation teacher or a life coach who adds meditative tools to their usual practice. But we’re so much more!

As a meditation coach, I will facilitate goal attainment using one or more meditative techniques I specialize in and borrow tools from psychology to create powerful results for my clients.

In the process, my clients may or may not end up learning meditation, but they may not be equipped to do it unassisted like a student would at the end of a course.

I am also a meditation teacher.

Secondly, my method will approach problem-solving from the prism of meditation or watching the mind.

Meditation detoxes, rewires and strengthens the mind much like exercise does the body. Meditation coaching first relieves stress, eases the mind and heart, and in the process gently makes space for creative solutions to emerge.

No matter the type of meditation the end product will be the same – a calmer mind and a healthier body that is more capable of tackling life’s uncertainties with greater creativity.

Meditation coaching scores over regular coaching as it overcomes the physical and mental challenges posed by thought-oriented problem-solving especially when the client is in distress.

A clouded mind cannot see clearly!
That’s usually the case when clients approach a coach.

So, a meditation coach is not just a life coach with cool meditation tools.

A meditation coach also goes beyond the conventional coaching paradigm as meditation includes healing and energy-cleansing aspects.

A meditation coach also goes beyond the conventional coaching paradigm as meditation includes healing and energy-cleansing aspects.

Meditation – based on the mind-body connection – identifies energy shields that facilitate energy flow within and around the human body. The practice emphasizes on keeping these channels clear for optimal functioning.

This is attained by:

dotted bulletIdentifying the blocks
dotted bulletPinpointing their source
dotted bulletUnderstanding the associated pattern
dotted bulletUsing an appropriate tool to clear this block

So, while meditation coaching may involve aspects of healing, such coaches are not specifically energy healers.

As a meditation coach, I give my clients the tools they need to identify the source of their dissatisfaction even when everything looks rosie on the surface. These solutions set clients off on a path of creating their happiest selves in every sphere of life.


What's My Meditation
Coaching Style?

To help my clients, I use multiple meditation techniques that can address my client's issues and challenges.

Using a combination of meditation techniques ensures my client doesn’t fall off the track and achieves targets faster to create unparalleled results in all areas of life.

Let’s look at the different types, tools, and techniques of meditations and their key takeaways.



For 10X output, I will combine these with established tools and techniques. While Zen meditation, Transcendental meditation, Pranayama meditation, Heart meditation, Chakra meditation, Mudra Yoga meditation, Yoga Nidra meditation, Mantra meditation, Metta meditation, Visualization meditation, Awareness meditation, and Moving meditation are different techniques, they use a group of tools not specific to any school of meditation.

9 Powerful Meditation Coaching Tools


Focused attention

Involves focusing on the breath to anchor the mind and maintain awareness. It also helps identify thoughts that keep you distracted. Resolves underlying triggers.


Involves mentally focusing on an object or reality you wish to manifest. Helps create solutions.

Body Scan

Involves mentally scanning the body from head to toe, and slowly bringing attention to any aches and pains that exist. Relaxes the body.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation

Involves working on different muscles in a particular order from head to toe to release tension with every breath. De-stresses the body.

Movement Meditation

Involves focusing on the body while walking or doing any relaxed movement allowing the mind to wander and create space for awareness, solutions.

Loving Kindness

Involves opening the heart and mind, and directing positive energy, goodwill first to ourselves, and then others. Helps let go of unhappiness and resentment.


Involves letting the mind rest. You don’t focus on the breath or any image or a body sensation. Allows thoughts to enter, observe them and allow them to drift away.


Involves questioning oneself to explore thoughts and accompanying feelings that come in response.

Mantra Meditation

Involves silently repeating a sound to quieten the mind. Originates from the belief that all sound originates from the Universe, which resides within us. When we connect with the source, we also connect with ourselves and tap boundless potential.

Who Do I Serve As A Meditation Coach?

Coaching requires in-depth study and time investment AND Meditation Coaching requires many years of personal practice and spiritual breakthroughs. I have 14 years of experience in meditation and coaching.

I am specialized in combining meditation for clarity and leadership coaching.  I bring career coaching and headhunting background to help clients in career reinvention and transition phase. I teach successful people in mid-life to reinvent their career journey. Life purpose clarity through life reimagination process. Prosperity coaching using Chakra meditation techniques to help my clients create abundance in their lives.

I am an expert in life reimagination, career reinvention, and family reconnection.

I am a TEDx speaker on journey to professional passion and international best-selling co-author in "Ignite Your Parenting". I have reinvented my life and career 4 times in 4 countries. I have a proven life remaining process that recovers your genius zone and inner peace, purpose clarity with unshakeable confidence, and authencity.

By selecting a multi-disciplinary transformation coach who is trauma-informed and skilled in meditative exploration and self-discovery, with practical career strategy designing process, you will

bullet icon
bullet iconDiscover and release your inner blocks, limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you
bullet iconUncover your subconscious programmings and learn to reprogram the fear-driven brain
bullet iconRecover your creativity, identity, safety and authencity.
bullet iconUnlock your genius zone
bullet iconReignite  your passion in life and relationships
bullet iconReimagine your purposeful career